To restore

Studebaker M29C Weasel. Used by Swedish army and are therefore "Bandvagn M/48" Configurated.

Swedish army bought weasels after WWII to use, and this is one of them. Not many M48 are left today in original condition as a lot of weasels in Sweden has med modified with newer BV202 tracks, different engines and so on. This one is awaiting future restoration. As for now I am trying to find missing parts and gadgets to this project.

Studebaker T24 Weasel. With a low hull number of 80, this is a realy early Weasel. Mybe one of the earliest left today in Sweden? It is empty inside, and rusted in floors. Long time plan is to collect missing parts, then bring this lady back to life again!

M29C in background is being restored right now!

Ford GPW- 45. To be restored. Missing lots of parts. Main priority is to collect all parts before restoration can start.